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7 Best Small Business Grants in 2024




Who doesn't value free cash? Aren't small business grants exactly that?

You might use it to help you pay employees, buy stock, or find new clients. Grants are not freebies even if they are "free" in the sense that they don't need to be repaid. You can't simply visit a website and request "one small business grant, sir" and expect to receive one.

Grant applications must be made, which can take some time and work. Then, for the grant, you must contend with other small businesses. Numerous applicants may be attracted by even small grants. However, a list of small company grants is a fantastic place to start.

Small business grants provide financing to launch or maintain small enterprises, as well as provide support to the entrepreneurs who manage them. Numerous grant options are available to small businesses, so we compiled seven of the top small business grants of 2024 using a specific set of standards.

Three thins are essential for your information, before  heading forward.

  • Just about all grants are for current businesses.You're unlikely of getting one if your business hasn't already started. Look for a loan rather. Grants are granted to "interesting" businesses; a typical coffee shop is unlikely to receive one. The majority are given to businesses that are creative or contribute to a social purpose.
  • Many grants only hire candidates once a year, and the recipient isn't disclosed until much later. Grants are not a quick fix for funding.


1. SBIR (Small Business Innovation Research) – FEDERAL GRANT

SBIR is a long-standing funding program for research-based firms with the potential for commercialization. Common recipients of this funding include the fields of security at home, clean drinking water, healthcare, green building, and other sectors.

This program's goal is to encourage scientific excellence and new technology to expand and build the US economy. To aid qualified entrepreneurs in researching and creating novel technologies, the SBIR program offers substantial startup money and contracts with government organisations.


  • Grants and contracts with 12 government entities are available to SBIR business grant winners.
  • While the grant begins at $150,000, talented and successful candidates may be eligible for up to $1 million in further financing.
  • Each of the contributing government agencies has its standards and eligibility conditions, which means you have a better chance of obtaining money if they match the needs of a specific agency.

2. EDA (Economic Development Administration) – STATE GRANT

The EDA awards grants to small businesses that aim to improve community infrastructure. The objective of this organisation is to offer free resources and money to small business owners so that they can invest their time on creativity and entrepreneurship.

By looking for resources in your state, you can rapidly look through the EDA's database of grants that are available and find regional financing alternatives.

Why EDA?

  • The EDA maintains a searchable database of available grants, making it simple to choose the right grant for your company.
  • Through the EDA, small firms can access state-level resources.
  • Grants are available year-round, so you don't have to worry about missing any deadlines.

3. The FedEx Small Business Grant -  CORPORATE GRANT

This business grant program got 18,000 applications in 2022, with a total of 10 winners. This offers you a 1 in 780, or 0.13%, the chance of winning. FedEx provides one of the most well-known small company grants. This grant program, which is intended to support business growth, is a great choice for small businesses that want to expand.

Contrary to other grants that have formal application processes, the FedEx small business grant only needs a one-minute video, a logo submission, photos that capture the essence of your business, and a brief biography to be taken into into account.

Why FedEx?

  • Twelve winners are chosen among the contestants, so even if your company does not come first or second, you still have 10 possibilities to earn thousands of dollars in funding.
  • Additionally, winners will get a credit for FedEx print and business services.
  • Once you've entered, you can ask the supporters of your business to vote for you, which will improve your likelihood of victory.

4. MBDA (Minority Business Development Agency) – MINORITIES GRANT

The MBDA assists minority-owned firms in locating grants, consultancy, and other forms of business help. The MBDA operates differently from the other groups on this list by providing funding to Minority Business Centres spread across the country. By looking for a Minority Business Centre nearby, you can learn about grants that your company is eligible for as well as a wide range of other services available to minority-owned firms.

 In addition to these grants, MBDA sponsors other grant competitions on occasion. You'll have to keep an eye on their news to locate these possibilities in the future, as there are no defined schedules or eligibility requirements.


  • The MBDA is a resource for minorities not just for grants but also for a variety of other business services.
  • Minority Business Centers are located around the United States and are ready to assist minority-owned firms.
  • This organization's objective and purpose is to assist minorities in maintaining their small enterprises to establish a prosperous community of entrepreneurs.

5. The Amber Grant – WOMEN GRANT

WomensNet established the Amber Grant Foundation in 1998 in honour of a bright businesswoman whose life was regretfully too short. The foundation has given a $10,000 monthly grant to a woman-owned business, with one of the 12 winners that year obtaining an additional $25,000.

With the Amber Grant, female-owned businesses and aspiring entrepreneurs can outline and specify their business objectives in order to compete for the grant each month of the year.

Why Amber Grant?

  • The only condition for applying for the Amber Grant is to explain about you and your company’s vision. There isn't a drawn-out application procedure or a lot of documentation.
  • If you are a winner, your devoted customers can vote for you to get the additional $25,000 annual grant.
  • There are no restrictions on the type of business you must run or would like to run to be eligible for this grant.

6. NASE (National Association of the Self-Employed) – STARTUP GRANT

(NASE) is an organization that gives self-employed persons, such as small business owners, monthly $4,000 grants\.You must first register on the NASE website in order to submit an application for Growth Grants.

These monthly grants are ideal for entrepreneurs that require additional money to hire employees, purchase equipment, or cover other company expenses. Startups in particular who are searching for additional money to build their firm may benefit from this grant.

Why NASE? 

  • Grant possibilities are available every month, which makes getting funds easier than with annual grant programs.
  • This award does not give you many options on how to spend.  With this award, you are free to help your business in any way you see fit, be it with payroll, supplies, or software.
  • Benefits of NASE membership include tax assistance and database management.

7. Microenterprise Development Program – REFUGEE GRANT

The Microenterprise Development Program, offered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, assists refugees in developing, growing, or otherwise supporting their businesses. The Microenterprise Development Program provides a range of business solutions, microloans, and revolving lines of credit in addition to grants for refugees.This grant program aims to make entrepreneurship an achievable goal for refugees who do not have access to financial services from commercial institutions.

Why Microenterprise Development Program? 

  • Refugees who are still not citizens may apply for this grant program regardless of when they came to the United States.
  • This grant program targets entrepreneurs who are unable to obtain capital for their firms from commercial institutions.
  • This program also assists refugees in obtaining a business line of credit to support their enterprises and offers financing choices to qualified participants.


Many small businesses are naturally skeptical of the concept of free money. Small business grants, on the other hand, provide opportunities for enterprises of all sizes to get free financing to help them sustain, support, or start their operations.

The most crucial tips to keep in mind when looking for and applying for grants are to carefully read the requirements, double-check your application, and reapply if you are unsuccessful. With so many grant options accessible, it is entirely possible to discover the proper funding source for your small business.



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