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Best Digital Marketing Tools to Grow a Business 2024




Are you in search of the best-suited tool for maximizing your digital marketing? Read this article to learn about best digital marketing tools to grow a business.

Digital marketing has now earned a major place in business growth. To ensure business development, digital marketers must know more about the marketing toolkit than the basics. Digital marketing tools ensure increased productivity, efficiency, and a result-oriented approach. In this writing, you will explore some output-oriented tools that can assist you in increasing traffic, online visibility, and sales.        

Social Media Management Tools 

Social media is a milestone in business growth in this era of the internet and screen. Multiple social media platforms are now active and serve as a marketing tool. To promote and advertise the business, someone has to be active on every platform and this is very time-consuming. 

Now technology has also helped to save time by introducing multiple tools. These tools make the use of social platforms easy, efficient, and productive. Here are some social media management tools that are taking social media marketing to a higher level.  

 Social Media Monitoring Dashboard 

Social media management tools facilitate their customers with a dashboard that can control and monitor social media platforms and activities. This dashboard ensures multiple tasks at the same time including tracking social media posts, analyzing the engagement of the audience, insightful of trends in a specific area, and timely responding to comments section.  

For example, Sprout Social is capable of analyzing engagement and also assisting in giving timely replies to customer’s comments. Zoho Social is also offering its customers reliable services by managing multiple social media platforms, analyzing performance, and increasing customer engagement. 

Post Automation and Scheduling 

Post-automation is a time and effort-saving method to post social media posts even after official hours. This tool helps its users schedule posts in advance and ensure their postings are on time on every social media platform. 

For example, Hootsuite and Buffer are widely used tools for automation and scheduling. Hootsuite allows its users to schedule posts on multiple platforms and analyze engagement and performance. While Buffer offers a single dashboard and enables its users to pre-plan posts on multiple platforms.   

 Analysis and Performance Monitoring

Analysis of the performance of social media platforms has a great impact on SEO. These tools facilitate their users by analyzing customer growth, engagement, and even clicks. Multiple tools are available that can monitor the performance of social media accounts. 

For example, socialbee is a tool that aware its user if their social media efforts are result-oriented or not. This can tell its owner about clicks, and customer rate increases, and also make decisions according to analysis. Another tool named, “Later” offers post scheduling, insights on Instagram posts, trends of customer growth, and engaged audience.      

Content Curation Tools   

Multiple social media tools offer content curation and collaboration. These tools help to create and rate content. For example, CoSchedule offers content creation and pre-scheduling of content. It gives a marketing calendar and keeps the team in communication. While Sendible is famous for its content suggestions according to the inclination of the audience.

Case Study

A new company uses Buffer to make continuity in their social media posting. Buffer makes this new company capable of scheduling posts at optimal times and analyzing post-performance. According to final reports, that new company earns 25% new customers along with saving 10 hours per week. This time was spent on other technical tasks of the company.   

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools

Optimizing content is important for increasing digital visibility. Multiple SEO tools are available for optimizing content for search engines. These tools help identify keywords, check competitor sites, and monitor rankings. These factors help to monitor the optimization of a website. Here we have a few SEO tools that are helpful in social media marketing. 


SEMrush is helpful in keyword research, social media tracking, and competitor analysis. This works as a social media tool by giving information about competitor sites, and social media marketing strategies. This is also capable of monitoring social media performance. 


Ahrefs is known as an SEO special tool that facilitates its customers with keyword identification, and backlinking analysis. Ahrefs is also famous for its tracking of shares of a specific topic or keyword in social media content.  

Google Analytics

Google Analytics belongs to Google's marketing platform and is a web analytic service. This gives SEO services free of cost. Google Analytics analyzes web traffic and user behavior. This tool can analyze the social media impact on the rate of customers visit the website.       

Case Study

A small setup implemented Aehrefs to their system to check competitor SEO strategies. Ahref’s has increased organic traffic by 30% and keyword ranking by 25%. And this overall success was achieved by the organization within 3 months. 

Email Marketing Automation

Email marketing is also one of the impactful tools for attracting customers. Multiple tools are present that help to create personalized emails by monitoring customer behavior and helping to succeed in the marketing campaign. Multiple tools are used for email marketing automation. 


Mailchimp is a social media marketing tool that helps in business growth by using email automation. This tool helps in email campaigns, marketing automation, and social media integration. This tool can send personalized emails by getting data from social media accounts.  


Sendinblue is also the most used email automation marketing tool. Sendinblue can generate, manage, and sequence email automation campaigns. This tool can manage the workflow and lead to a result-oriented and growth-ensuring marketing campaign.   


HubSpot serves its users with multiple marketing automation tasks and improves efficiency and performance by scheduling posts on multiple social media platforms like email automation. Managing customer data and optimizing content on social media are also important tasks of HubSpot.    

Case Study 

An e-commerce business started email automation by using Mailchimp and started giving personalized suggestions to the audience. Mailchimp’s automation feature concluded in enhancing email open rates by 20% and sales rate increases by 15%.

Analytical and Reporting Tools  

With effective social media marketing, analysis and reporting of the results is also necessary. So the effectiveness of the marketing strategy can be monitored and decisions can be made to continue or change the social media marketing strategy. Analytical and reporting tools help determine the final results of marketing tools adopted by a business setup.   

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is an analysis tool that offers a free version only with a Google account. Google Analytics is especially suggested for small business owners, but all business owners can use this tool. This is a user-friendly tool that gathers data through cookies. Google Analytics works with the collaboration of Google ads and the work console. This tool provides an effective analysis of website traffic determines the top source of traffic and makes a way to the success of the marketing efforts.  

Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics is an analysis tool offered by Adobe. This tool is considered more expensive than Google Analytics because Adobe offers its subscription-based pricing models. Adobe Analytics is beneficial for big setups and up-level organizations. This analytical tool has multiple complex features that make it beneficial for large organizations. Adobe Analytics uses multiple sources along with first-party cookies to gather data and lead a successful marketing journey.       

Case Study

A multinational organization implemented Google Analytics on its website to analyze customer behavior. This tool helps the company to increase online sales by 15% and improve user experience by 20% by optimizing and identifying conversion points.  

Content Management System (CMS)

Content creation and management play a vital role in the marketing of a website. For content management systems, multiple tools are available that can help schedule and distribute content according to customer demands. A few tools that are famous for their content management system are listed here. 


WordPress is an easy-to-use and extremely customizable content management system. Multiple plugins made it a widely used CMS. WordPress integrates with multiple social media plugins and facilitates its users to share blog posts and content easily on different social platforms.         


Drupal has complex features that make it suitable for large organizations. Drupal offers its users multiple social media integration modules for interaction and sharing content. 


Wix is a website builder that offers its content management system. Wix can help to integrate multiple social media tools and post directly from the platform. 

Case Study

A big company used HubSpot for its content management services. This tool assists the company in knowing high-performing channels and topics. This data-driven approach increases blog traffic by 20% and improves lead generation by 15%.   


Digital Marketing has a significant role in the growth of a business. Posting and managing content on multiple social media accounts according to the response of the audience affects the success of social media campaigns. Multiple tools are available that can be helpful to reduce efforts and increase the results. These tools can schedule posts, analyze the behaviors of customers, and personalize the content. However, choosing the most suitable tool that is best for your business type also has a significant impact.      



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