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How to Write a Persuasive Business Proposal




Are you attempting to write a business proposal but finding it difficult? We are glad to assist you! First, consider why they're so significant. 

Crafting an effective business proposal is a crucial skill for entrepreneurs, project managers, and professionals across various industries. A well-written proposal serves as a persuasive document that outlines a proposed solution to a problem or an opportunity for collaboration, aiming to convince stakeholders, clients, or investors to take a desired course of action. By presenting a compelling case and demonstrating the value and feasibility of the proposed venture, a business proposal can open doors to new partnerships, secure funding, and drive organizational growth. 

Writing a good business proposal tends to be easier if you have a strong strategic plan behind it. There are times when entrepreneurs get caught up in the excitement, but lack direction, and they fail to follow the basic steps. 


The three P's are the simplest approach to develop a business plan:

  • Problem statement: your client's present problem.
  • Proposed solution: how your company solutions may help them address their problem more effectively.
  • Pricing: Compared to the alternatives, what’s the cost of your proposed solution? 

These three points help you get started. Even if you are stuck writing it down, we suggest you first brainstorm to create a bare-bone version of your idea.


Once you have jotted down the main points, you are ready to go into a more in-depth proposal. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to create a business proposal.

1.     Introductory paragraph

2.     Table of Contents

3.     Synopsis

4.     Project Details

5.     Achievements

6.     Create a Budget

7.     Conclusion and Benefits

8.     Appendix (if applicable)

Step 1: Introduction    

Pro Tip: Keep your introduction crisp and concise. 

The beginning of your business proposal should include a basic outline of what your organization performs. Try to include brief, yet persuasive information about your company. Try not to be overly wordy, and go for the "less is more" approach. Keep the introduction section shorter than one page. You want to grab attention quickly and concisely. 

Step 2: Table of Contents 

After successfully introducing your business, the next step is to create a table of contents. This section merely summarizes what the buyer may expect to find in the rest of the proposal. If you are submitting an electronic proposal, the table of contents must be clickable so that the customer may simply navigate from part to part by clicking the links inside the real table of contents. It will save them time and grab more attention. Who doesn’t like ease and comfort? 

Step 3: Synopsis 

Let's start with a superb synopsis that outlines answers to the essential who, what, where, when, why, and how questions. This is the point when you start selling your company. Keep it simple and short to make customers realize you understand their needs.

Step 4: Project Details 

Step four will be the primary content of your proposal and is the most important section of any winning project proposal. These details will help explain how your company will address the needs of clients and the scope of your work. You'll start this section by describing your recommendation, solution, or approach for providing assistance to the consumer. Do your research while composing your concerns and solutions: you want to show your prospective customers that you've done your study and understand the company and its needs.

Step 5: Achievements

This is an important part of the project's specifics. You will explain your suggested deliverables here with detailed descriptions (which may include numbers or the scope of services, based on the type of business you operate). You need to be careful because you must not sound over-promised or under-delivered. Be clear! Ensuring you and the potential consumer are on the same page from the start can help you both maintain a healthy connection. You also don't want to develop unreasonable expectations for your customer.

Step 6: Create a Budget

This is where you're able to get down to business and state the price and, if necessary, a payment schedule. The fact is, pricing a project is not easy or fun. Do not over price, as that may scare away a client, but do not quote unrealistic cheap prices just to beat your competitors. We suggest you break the budget into small sections that explain where you need to put the money. You may also design a few different pricing levels with distinct services included in each, such as a retail package plan.

Step 7: Conclusion and Benefits

This is your last chance to sell! Let’s wrap up your business proposal by outlining the benefits your potential client can enjoy by opting for your business. Write the concluding points of what kind of work, scope, schedule, and pricing are involved and how your proposed solution is the best to choose. Reaffirm what you want to achieve and why it is superior to the ideas of your competitors. 


At the end of your proposal, you can also include an appendix to add any supplementary information that could not fit within the main proposal body. It can be any additional information that you want to share with the prospective client, such as your company’s stats, figures, illustrations, and previous project outcomes. Another attention grabbing appendix is the details about your team or contact details.

You can omit this and end your business proposal in the benefits and conclusion section if you do not have any additional information to include, or do not feel comfortable sharing these details with clients. 


Business proposal terms and conditions are the legal clauses that define the rights and responsibilities of both parties involved in a business agreement. They are usually found at the end of the proposal document, after the main sections that describe the problem, the solution, and the implementation plan. 

Business proposal terms and conditions may cover the following topics:

Price and Payment: This section specifies how much the client will pay for the services or products provided by the seller, when and how the payment will be made, and what are the consequences of late or non-payment.

Privacy: This section explains how the seller will handle the client's personal or confidential information, such as data, documents, or contacts, and what measures will be taken to protect them from unauthorized access or disclosure.

Intellectual Property: This section defines who owns the intellectual property rights of the materials that are created, used, or delivered by the seller, such as designs, logos, software, or content. It also states whether the seller grants any license or permission to the client to use or modify these materials.

Sharing Work: This section clarifies whether the seller can share or showcase the work done for the client with other potential clients or on their own portfolio or website, and under what conditions.

Changes: This section outlines how the seller and the client can request, approve, or reject changes to the scope, timeline, or budget of the project, and what are the implications of these changes on the final deliverables and payment.

Cancellation Policy: This section describes how either party can terminate the agreement before its completion, and what are the reasons and procedures for doing so.

•  Kill Fee/Delay Fee: This section determines whether the seller can charge a fee to the client in case of cancellation or delay of the project due to reasons beyond their control, such as force majeure events, client's failure to provide feedback or resources, or breach of contract.

The terms and conditions outlined in a business proposal should be unambiguous, succinct, and in alignment with the overall content of the proposal. They should also be customized to suit each specific project and client.


In conclusion, mastering the art of writing a persuasive business proposal is a valuable skill that can greatly enhance your chances of success in the corporate world. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can effectively communicate your ideas, capture the attention of your audience, and ultimately persuade them to take the desired action.

We won’t lie, it is a lot of work and can be intimidating, but it’s doable! 
Keep in mind that a compelling business proposal possesses the ability to unlock new opportunities and generate exciting prospects for your company. So, go ahead and harness this skill to drive your professional success.


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