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The Benefits of Direct Mail Services




Integrating direct mail marketing can provide your consumers with a personalized experience that helps your company stand out and form a unique first impression.

Companies that employ direct mail effectively get a significant return on investment. The typical direct mail campaign generates an ROI of 29%, which is higher or equivalent to that of most digital marketing platforms.

Many marketing and sales professionals are taken aback by this. Here are some more astounding direct mail statistics:

  • On a daily basis, the average ratio of email to direct mail received is 36/1.
  • Direct mail from brands is preferred by 73% of American customers.
  • Direct mail is opened 90% of the time, however, emails are only opened 20%-30% of the time.

Through our direct mail follow-up services, we will maximize your advertising campaign by developing a strong customer relationship. You save money since you do not need to recruit an in-house crew. Other cost benefits include data quality savings, bulk mail postage discounts, consumable savings, etc.

It has been reported that nearly 56% of consumers trust direct mail more than other marketing channels. Plus, it's helps you target your audience, can save you money, and results can be tracked.

If you've ever worked on a direct mail campaign, you know how time consuming it can be. Producing, printing, and mailing your direct mail might take a long time, especially if you are inexperienced. 



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A vendor we recommend for this service can be found here.

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