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SEO Strategists Explained: What Does an SEO Strategist Do?




What Does an SEO Strategist DO?

In the evolving digital landscape, where visibility is the key for businesses to dominate their competitors, SEO strategists emerge as saviors for online success. This blog outlines the nitty-gritty of SEO strategists’ world, unveiling the technical magic that propels websites to the forefront of search engine results. 

Whether you’re navigating the digital realm as a business owner, marketer, or aspiring SEO professional, understanding the basics of SEO strategy is pivotal for sustainable online prominence.

What is an SEO Strategist?

An SEO strategist is a person responsible for improving a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) by creating content optimization strategies. He is responsible for conducting keyword research, analyzing website performance, implementing on- and off-page SEO techniques, and monitoring data to make informed decisions. 

The main goal of an SEO strategist is to enhance organic traffic, increase domain authority, improve the user experience, and ultimately drive more relevant visitors to the website, aligning with the client’s objectives and target audience.

The Core Tenets of SEO Strategists

Researching keywords

To identify relevant keywords and phrases that align with the content pillars and broader business goals for content optimization and visibility improvement.

On-Page Optimization:

To optimize meta titles and descriptions for header tags and URL structures for on-page optimization of the content. It involves improving various elements within a webpage to align with targeted keywords and enhance overall relevance.

Content Strategy:

SEO strategists collaborate with content creators to develop a cohesive content strategy for creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content that resonates with the target audience and aligns with search engine algorithms.

Technical SEO:

SEO strategists also address a website's technical errors to optimize site speed, improve mobile responsiveness, fix crawl errors, and ensure proper search engine indexing.

Link Building:

SEO strategists build backlinks by employing ethical link-building tactics to acquire high-quality, authoritative links, signaling to search engines the credibility and relevance of the website.


SEO is an ongoing process, so strategists continually monitor website performance using analytics tools, analyze user behavior, and generate insightful reports. It helps businesses make informed decisions.

An SEO strategist works like an SEO specialist. However, a strategist is usually involved in creating long-term plans, prioritizing high-level activities, and collaborating with other departments like marketing or engineering. 

Essential Skills for an SEO Strategist

An SEO strategist must possess a combination of technical expertise, creativity, and communication abilities to be effective in the field. 

Technical Knowledge 

Technical knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end programming languages will help SEO strategists assess and enhance the performance of websites.

Furthermore, SEO strategists must understand the effects of headers, title tags, meta descriptions, and other on-page performance aspects in order to assist them in raising rankings.

SEO strategists must possess the technical expertise to handle and apply SEO plugins and tools in an efficient manner.

Analytical Skills

Strategists can enhance website performance and deliver persuasive reports to clients by transforming raw data into actionable insights.

With analytical skills, SEO strategists can spot trends in data, identify problems at their core, and choose the best course of action. 

In order to determine which trials and activities are successful and which are not, SEO strategists also monitor performance over time. They may assess data, make inferences, guide decision-making, and adjust strategy by using tools like SEMrush, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console. 


SEO strategists brainstorm ideas, investigate different perspectives, and develop innovative solutions using creativity.

SEO strategists are creative people who use their skills to point out gaps in content, suggest keywords, and enhance blog post structure. These modifications can improve readability, page and domain authority, and SEO results. 


In an evolving digital landscape, SEO strategists may stay competitive by evaluating shifting algorithms, modifying their approaches, and examining success measures. 

The methods by which SEO strategists approach optimization and how websites rank are influenced by various factors, including the helpful content system, Google E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) criteria, and the Core Web Vitals report. 

Due to the frequent changes in Google's algorithm and SERPs, the capacity to pivot is essential. 

Strategists need to be aware of best practices, see opportunities from competitors, comprehend the differences between industry verticals, and stay up-to-date on trends.

Communication Skills

SEO strategists need to be adept communicators who can work with developers, content producers, and other stakeholders to turn complex technical ideas into simple language. 

Effective teamwork and expectation management are key components of SEO strategists' professional success and improved client outcomes. 

Communication is also the key to bringing in new business. As a strategist, you will likely draft an SEO proposal outlining all the services you will offer to each customer, such as on-page optimization and audits.

You'll have to clearly explain these services and why you're the best candidate for the position. 

Additionally, you'll have to email or deliver reports and updates to clients, which calls for strong writing and communication abilities. 

How to Become an SEO Strategist?

Here are some tips to become a successful SEO strategist:

  • Learn SEO Basics
  • Gain Practical Experience 
  • Stay Up to Date 
  • Network 
  • Build a Portfolio 


An SEO strategist is a guiding force in the ever-changing world of digital marketing, helping websites stand out in search results by navigating the complexities of search engine algorithms. The skill lies in the tactical coordination of keywords, content, and technical components rather than in magical spells.

 Realizing the full potential of your digital presence and the importance of an SEO strategist is the first step, whether you're an aspiring SEO professional or a business owner seeking online recognition.



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